1. Overview
  2. Contributions
  3. Donors
  4. Overview of the Donors Page

Overview of the Donors Page

Now that we Understand Donors and Giving Units let’s take a closer look at where we can see and organize that data.  


Navigate to the Donors page by clicking Contributions in the top menu and then clicking Donors.  


The Donors page will load all of the information regarding Contributions and the individual contributors.   Here, you will find a record of each person who has given financially to your organization.


Keep in mind; some donors are combined with other members of their Household into Giving Units.

On the left-hand side of your screen, you will see each Donor displayed by their Giving Unit in the navigation pane.  


“Loose Plate” will always be displayed at the top of your navigation pane.  This refers to all income or receipts that are not directly tied to a contributor.  


Below Loose Plate,  you will find the alphabetical list of each Giving Unit.  By clicking on that Giving Unit, you will see their profile open in the detail pane.  This will show a summary of their giving.  


Each Profile will have five profile tabs displaying detailed information about that Giving Unit.


Under the Summary profile tab, you will see an overview of the Donors’ past giving.  In two fields, graphs display the Giving Unit’s contributions both by Month and by Contribution Fund.  A third field provides a comparison of this year-to-date giving, last year’s giving, and the date of the last contribution.



These graphs can be printed and saved by clicking on the ellipses icon in the top left corner.

Donor Info

The Donor Info profile tab displays the critical information for each member of the 
Giving Unit.  You will find contact information, member status, and Donor ID information.


This tab also holds the Batch Statement option.  Toggling this on or off determines if the Giving Unit will be included when batched Contribution Statements are run.  


This tab is also where you can add and remove individuals from a Giving Unit.  


Removal:  Under the People in this Giving Unit field, you will find the individuals who are included in the selected Giving Unit.  To the right of their membership status, you will find a - icon to remove each individual from the Giving Unit.  


Adding:  In the header of the People in this Giving Unit field, you will find a + icon.  Clicking this icon will bring up a pop-up window where you can select other members of the Household to add to this particular giving unit.  Remember all of these members will be added to the same Contribution Statement, and their contributions will NOT be itemized by Donor name.  



In the
Contributions profile tab, you will find a detailed list of all receipts the particular Giving Unit has contributed.  


These contributions are listed by date but can be organized by each data column by simply clicking on the arrows located in the column header.  


The Donors’ pledges are also shown here; however, next, we’ll take a look at how to add and edit those pledges.  


Simply click on the next profile tab, Pledges.  



This Profile field is essential if your church uses Pledges to forecast your budget or purchases.  You can find more information on pledges and using pledges here in our Using Pledges support article.  



The last profile tab, Statements, shows all of the Contribution Statements that have been run for that particular Giving Unit.  

Individual Contribution Statements can be created from this tab as well.  If you find the need to run one statement rather than running a batch of statements, simply click on the Generate Statement button at the top of the detail pane.  


Remember, if you have any questions or unresolved issues, don’t hesitate to Contact Support. We’re here to make sure your records are accurate, and Empower is as helpful as it can be for your church.  


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