1. Overview
  2. Contributions
  3. Deposits (Posting)
  4. Editing or Deleting a Contribution Deposit

Editing or Deleting a Contribution Deposit

Sometimes we make mistakes… Sometimes we get information too late!


Let’s walk through a couple of scenarios that are (very) likely to happen in your church.


The weekly deposit came in, it was counted, Contributions were added to Empower, a Deposit was made in Empower… and then just before you head out to make a bank deposit, a church member calls to ask if you can hold the check until next week.  

“Of course”, you say.  No problem at all.  


In this example, the Contribution and Deposit have already been entered into Empower.  However, if you’re not actually depositing the check with this batch, we need to correct those entries.  


If the Contribution will eventually be deposited, we only need to change the Deposit.  To do that, we will need to delete the Deposit and create a new Deposit that matches.  The Contribution on hold will remain in Empower but be listed as Undeposited until we include it in a Deposit.  


Deleting the Deposit

To delete the Deposit, navigate to the Deposit page (Contributions>Deposit)i.  Select the Deposit that you would like to change on the left, in the navigation pane. 

Click on the “- Delete” button in the Page Menu bar at the top of the window.   


Confirm that you do intend to delete the Deposit by clicking “Delete” in the pop-up window.  


All of the Contributions that are included in the selected deposit will then show as Undeposited. 


To make the correction and re-deposit the Contributions, simply follow the steps to Add a Contribution again.


Editing a Deposit

Let’s say that you were on the way to the bank and received a call that changed your plans.  You were late and your deposit will not post until tomorrow.  To keep things accurate, let’s look at how to change the deposit’s date.

After selecting the Deposit from the Deposit page, notice that the date and total are displayed in the Title section of the page.  Just to the right of that is a pencil icon. 

Clicking this will bring up a window to edit the date and/or the coin count for the deposit.  These will not change any information pertaining to the Deposit total or Contributions included.


Do you feel like you’re stuck with a mistake?  Let us help.  Reach out to Empower Customer Support, we’d be glad to help.  

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