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Creating a New Contribution Source

To begin linking your Vanco Payments account, let's navigate to the Contributions>Import page from the top menu of Empower.  

Once you make it there, you will see any Contribution Import Sources you have on the left, in the navigation pane.  

To the right, you will see the details of those sources in the display pane. 

We'll talk about those more in a future article, but first let's look at how to create a contribution source specifically for a Vanco Online Payments account.  

Click on the +Add New Import Source button in the page menu bar.  

This will open a New Import Source window that will walk you through the process of adding a new source.  

New Import Source Window

Under the Import Source Field, you can title this source whatever is most helpful or most intuitive for the administration.

Here, we've simply gone with "Vanco".

For the Payment method, we've selected "Online" since our VANCO import is for our website online giving tool.  

To the far right, you will select Vanco from the Import Source Type drop-down menu.

Selecting this will automatically show four fields applicable to Vanco below.  

We'll walk through these next. 

Import Settlement Date

The Import Settlement Date is the date that you would like to receive imports from.  
This date is the earliest day that contributions were deposited.  

(Keep in mind that Empower pulls deposit dates from Vanco, not the date given)

This date is important to think through.  If you have previously been importing Vanco contributions manually, selecting the wrong date could duplicate some of those deposits.  If you previously imported Vanco into PowerChurch, you will need to select the date for the import break.  

VANCO Permissions

The next three fields will come from your Vanco account information.  

To gather this information, you will likely need to contact Vanco's Customer Care at (800) 675-7430.