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Import Overview

First Automatic Sync

After inputting your Vanco credentials and linking your account, Empower will automatically begin your first Vanco import.  (Remember, the span of this first import is determined by the Initial Settlement Date selected in the setup).

Daily Sync of Deposited Funds

After the initial sync, Empower ChMS will automatically sync your Vanco deposits every day (overnight).

Remember, these Imported Contributions will still have to be processed manually.  All deposit and transaction data is captured from Vanco, but you will need to acknowledge, verify, and process the contributions in Empower before they are recorded as Deposited Contributions.

Imported Contributions

Imported Contributions from Vanco are funds that were given through Vanco and HAVE ALREADY been deposited into your bank account (linked to that Vanco account).  However, these contributions have not been recorded in Empower.  They will not show on statements, reports, Contributions records, or Deposits in Empower until they are processed. 

Matched and Unmatched Donors and Funds

Before contributions can be recorded in Empower, the contributions must be matched to a specific donor.  Empower will automatically match many of your Vanco donors based on email addresses and other information.  If this occurs, you will still have to verify the matches (only during their initial import-after that, they will be remembered).  

Unmatched donors are flagged when there are no likely matches found in your database.  This often occurs when a person uses multiple email addresses, is a visitor, or is just a first-time giver.  

These donors must be searched for or matched in order to process the contributions.  

Unmatched Funds are a very similar situation, and each fund must be reconciled before processing the transactions.  (more info below)

Processed Contributions
Processed Contributions have been verified, and the accounting line items have been reconciled.  This is the step that creates Contribution entries and deposits within Empower and also PowerChurch Online (for those customers using the Accounting arm of PowerChurch Online).

Bridged to PCO
Customers using PowerChurch Online (or a local install of PowerChurch Plus). will enjoy that Empower does all of the difficult data entry and account balancing.  (more info below).  

The following articles will provide more detail on the process of each of these steps.