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Using the Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter tool is one of the most valuable aspects of Empower.  It will enable you to communicate with an unlimited number of people in an unlimited number of ways!  

We’ve already walked through the details of Creating a Newsletter.  

Now, let’s take a look at how to craft a newsletter using the Newsletter Editor Tool.

Whenever you click Edit Template on a Newsletter that you’ve created, a new window will pop up, and you will be in the editor.

When the editor is launched, your newsletter will be in the left-hand panel, and the toolbar will be on the right.  What you see on the left will be what will be sent to your recipients.  

As you edit, it will be important to remember that people will be reading your newsletter on both desktop and mobile devices.  The newsletter tool automatically creates a “responsive” template to ensure that it is easily readable across devices.  To view what it will look like, you also can edit the mobile version by changing the view in the bottom left corner.

In the same location, you will find the undo button and the preview button.