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Users, Roles, and Permissions

Empower’s “unlimited users” feature makes it incredibly useful for your team.  As you begin to implement Empower in your church, think through the different Roles that you will want to set up.  These are always editable and customizable, but thinking through them on the front end will unlock all of the software’s possibilities.  It will also save you some time restructuring users later.

Before we walk through the setup, let’s think through examples of how Roles can benefit you.  Roles are different levels of permissions to access the data in your system.  For example, your Pastor and Staff might not want to see individual contributions.  By setting up a “Staff” role, you can provide them their log-in and limit their permissions not to access those contributions.  Because of the unlimited accounts equalling unlimited possibilities, you can essentially offer your entire congregation access.  

Member access is done through the Member Portal.  That access can be limited to the Church Directory, their household contributions, etcetera.